From TestWiki
Just going through the setup here. Not sure what Key - MUL refers to. I guess 'mutual' from a Google search but I don't see this in phpmyadmin.
Also, not sure how to setup the indexes but haven't quite gotten to that yet. Blckdmnd99 18:16, 1 October 2006 (BST)
- Hi! I originally set this page up as a way to get feedback on the schema, and have not officially released the extension yet, as it is still very much in an alpha stage of development. Ultimately I will include a .sql file that does the update for you. In the meantime feel free to recreate the tables from this definition if you like. However, two caveats: (1) the schema may change as the extension develops and change may be incompatible with the current version, and (2) I cannot be held responsible for any problems or damage that may arise from using this pre-release software... standard disclaimer, etc. :)
- Anyway, in answer to your questions, I believe MUL means that it is used in multiple index, or possibly that it is part of a multi-field index. Either way, that is not very important regarding the setup of the tables. Ditto indexes - you can safely omit these (apart from the primary key). Their purpose is to speed up queries, so without them everything will work fine, but possibly slightly slower. Given that the code is horribly unoptimised at the moment, it's probably no big deal...
- I would appreciate any feedback you have from using the extension - let me know how you get on! --HappyDog 18:31, 1 October 2006 (BST)