Main Page

From TestWiki
Revision as of 01:23, 9 July 2006 by HappyDog (Talk | contribs) (Yellow is nicer (just about!))

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Important - This is a development wiki, so things might be a little unstable. If something doesn't work properly, try refreshing the page. If that fails, come back later!
Welcome to the Kennel 17 Test Wiki
This is a test wiki, primarily used for demonstrating MediaWiki extensions that I have developed (or am in the process of developing). Fully functional extensions will be released under an open-source license (probably GPL) once ready, but feel free to comment on work in progress as well - all feedback is appreciated. You can contact me either by e-mail or by leaving a message on my talk page.
HappyDog, 18th June 2006

WikiDB - A wiki-based database system.

This is still in development, but the development version is live on this wiki.
I am currently at the stage where I am looking for feedback and input from other people.
Debugging tools - a couple of useful tools for extension developers.

WikiCalendar - An outlook-style calendar extension.

(Under development, and not yet installed on this wiki)

For full details of the currently installed extensions, and the version of MediaWiki that they are running on, please consult Special:Version.