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FYI: I currently get the following error whenever trying to access Special: or MediaWiki: pages:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /hsphere/local/home/dduran/ on line 63

59.	function wfWikiDB_AddActionTabs(&$ContentActions) { 
60.		global $wgArticle, $action; 
61.		global $wgWikiDBNamespaces;
63.		$Title = $wgArticle->getTitle(); 
64.		if ($Title->isTalkPage())
65.			$Title = $Title->getSubjectPage();

There's some discussion here about the merits of $wgArticle vs. $wgTitle between MW1.5 and MW1.6. Not sure I understand but wanted to point it out.

I'm running: MW:1.6.5 PHP:4.3.11 (apache) MySQL:4.0.26-standard-log