From TestWiki
Field | Type | Comment |
Company name | string (8) | I have put a rather stupid length restriction here to show you how it affects data. |
Logo | image | |
Founded | The 'date' data type has not been defined, so this is treated as an untyped field. | |
Location | string | |
Revenue | There is no currency data type either. |
Field | Alias |
Name | Company name |
Annual revenue | Revenue |
This is a table definition. Lines starting with > define fields in the table. All other lines are treated as standard wiki markup, so you can include anything you want. Click view source to see what the markup looks like.
Field: Company name (string,8) I have put a rather stupid length restriction here to show you how it affects data. Field: Logo (image) Field: Founded (unknown type: date) The 'date' data type has not been defined, so this is treated as an untyped field. Field: Location (string) Field: Revenue (unknown type: currency) There is no currency data type either.
These additional items define field aliases. Contrast the data for this table with the one for Table:Companies2.
Alias: Name → Company name Alias: Annual revenue → Revenue